Core Stories

We all have stories inside us, the ones we need to get out, the ones the world needs to hear – the ones that really matter.

So What?
These stories can change lives, sometimes save lives, but most of us never learn how craft and tell them in ways that are engaging, relatable and memorable.

Bold Vision
Let’s make your stories matter, change lives and maybe even save a few.

Now What?
The Core Stories Program includes…

◦ Why hard (personal) stories matter
◦ Where to find your (hidden) core stories
◦ 5 hard core craft components simplified
◦ How to apply these ideas anywhere anytime

Core Convos

Most of us don’t learn how to listen, how to hold space or how to engage in conversation –  especially the ones that matter.

So What?
The world is getting noisier and people are dying to be heard – this needs to change.

Bold Vision
Let’s hear them.

Now What?
The Core Convos Program includes…

◦ The power (and paradox) of silence
◦ The 7 conversation closers to avoid
◦ What we can learn from improv
◦ 3 essential questions to (almost) always ask